Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Workout Out - Circuit Training

My workout for today!  
I love circuits as they challenge me and keep it interesting.  I love to change up how I workout each day to keep me motivated.  I used 5lb dumbbells, 10 reps of each exercise.  I'll work my way up to heavier weights and 15 reps.

Workout from PopSugar

Check out another workout I completed here 

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Leading by example - Working Out and Getting Fit

  Do you ever make excuses for not working out and getting fit?  I think I've used every one in the book!  But slowly, I've been trying to make exercise a habit and something my body craves.   I know I need to do every day.  And I know it is good for myself physically, emotionally and mentally.  But it is also good for my kids.  Being active and healthy so I can keep up with them and live a long life is so important to me.  I also want to be a good role model for them, and to have them watch me workout and cheer me on is an awesome feeling too. 

My outside gym
  We have a very steep driveway.  The bus drops off my daughter at the bottom after school, so most days I'm cursing it as I hike back up to the top!  But it also serves as a great workout tool!  With one child at home most days, I have to find creative ways to keep fit at home and our crazy driveway is one of them.  I'll do sprints up the hill and then free weights at the top.  All the while my kids are having fun jumping on the trampoline (exercising!) and cheering for me once I reach the top of the driveway.  Plus music outside it a big help!  Keeps me going if I have some sweet tunes blasting! 

  I do find I have to mix it up every day with my workouts or I get bored.  I don't want to just run on the treadmill every day, or do the same workout video.  If I don't change it up, I won't look forward to it.  I like a challenge and I like trying new routines.  Lately I've been finding lots of different HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts to try.  There are so many different combinations of moves that you can do!  And there are lots of ideas on Pinterest (check out my Fitness board here>> Fitness,

Here is an example of a workout I tried the other day: (I never realized how much I HATE burpees! But I will do this workout again, it kicks your butt!)

HIIT Workout
 Leading by example is so important to me.  I want my kids to know that exercise is part of our lives and how it helps our bodies.  When I workout at home, my youngest daughter watches and usually likes to join in!  She even held a plank for 10 seconds! (with perfect form too!) 

My 4 year old holding a plank for 10 seconds!

What are your favourite types of workouts? And what do you do to keep motivated?

Monday, 1 September 2014

Time for a Change

I am a starter.  I like to start things.  I get excited to start something new.  I start all kinds of projects and jobs every day.  But I seem to have a hard time finishing them.  Party because I get distracted by my kids or other things that NEED to be done (like making coffee or a meal) and partly because I crave that feeling of starting fresh. 
  But as I walked around my house tonight, I realized this has to change.  I saw so many starts, things that were almost complete, tasks or chores left unfinished.  From laundry that needs to be put away, a half compete sewing project on the kitchen table and an almost finished application that needs to be mailed off.  Why can't I just get this stuff done?  I make lists all the time, I love crossing things off my list when they are done.  But the funny thing is that I make a new 'to do' list every day or so because only 1 or 2 things are crossed off (I am a chronic list maker!) and sometimes I even add a completed item to my list just to have something to cross off! (I see a pattern here haha)
  So I'm making a change.  Starting today, September 1, 2014, I plan on becoming a finisher!  I think this will just help me feel less stressed about every day little things around the house and feel more in control.  I like my lists but I think I will simplify them.  Make one each day but not make it a mile long, have it be more realistic.  And then I can have a list of long term goals and projects to do, things that have no time limit and are not urgent.  That way I have them written down so I don't forget about them, and can work on one at a time when I have the time!
  I am also going to stop making excuses and finally add 'workout' to my every day 'to do' list.  I will add it into my day and make it a priority. (And I completed a short weight circuit tonight for day 1!)
  I think these are great changes to make in my life.  Small changes but they will have a great impact!  And I feel writing this down will make me more accountable too :)
  What changes have you made recently to better your life?