Monday, 1 September 2014

Time for a Change

I am a starter.  I like to start things.  I get excited to start something new.  I start all kinds of projects and jobs every day.  But I seem to have a hard time finishing them.  Party because I get distracted by my kids or other things that NEED to be done (like making coffee or a meal) and partly because I crave that feeling of starting fresh. 
  But as I walked around my house tonight, I realized this has to change.  I saw so many starts, things that were almost complete, tasks or chores left unfinished.  From laundry that needs to be put away, a half compete sewing project on the kitchen table and an almost finished application that needs to be mailed off.  Why can't I just get this stuff done?  I make lists all the time, I love crossing things off my list when they are done.  But the funny thing is that I make a new 'to do' list every day or so because only 1 or 2 things are crossed off (I am a chronic list maker!) and sometimes I even add a completed item to my list just to have something to cross off! (I see a pattern here haha)
  So I'm making a change.  Starting today, September 1, 2014, I plan on becoming a finisher!  I think this will just help me feel less stressed about every day little things around the house and feel more in control.  I like my lists but I think I will simplify them.  Make one each day but not make it a mile long, have it be more realistic.  And then I can have a list of long term goals and projects to do, things that have no time limit and are not urgent.  That way I have them written down so I don't forget about them, and can work on one at a time when I have the time!
  I am also going to stop making excuses and finally add 'workout' to my every day 'to do' list.  I will add it into my day and make it a priority. (And I completed a short weight circuit tonight for day 1!)
  I think these are great changes to make in my life.  Small changes but they will have a great impact!  And I feel writing this down will make me more accountable too :)
  What changes have you made recently to better your life?